Gift Registry and Advice
On Gifts in General
Should you choose to give us a gift (thank you very much, in advance), please consider the following:
For those who are coming from outside Brazil
Space in both your luggage and ours is valuable. For this reason, please don't bring a physical gift to the wedding! If you were hoping to give us a physical present, please give us a nice card instead, and then give us the present the next time we meet.
For those who are coming from within Brazil
We will be returning to Denmark after our honeymoon, with limited luggage space. For this reason, it's best to avoid physical gifts. If you would like to give a physical gift, we will of course gratefully accept it. However, please consider its size and fragility.
Gift Registry
As a guest at our wedding, you are undoubtedly an individual of impeccable character and taste. Accordingly, any gift you are able to conceptualize will surely be better than anything we have already thought of.
Regardless, for those who are seeking inspiration, here are some things that we know would make use very happy:
Non-Physical Gifts
Contributions to a new roof
Our current one is the original, asbestos-filled one from 1959.
Every little bit will go a long way.
Contributions to a sauna
Adam wants to build one in the backyard.
The bride is just as excited as he is. We promise.
Spa day
The groom is just as excited for this one as the bride. We promise.
Especially food-related ones. Yum.
AirBnB gift cards
Eventually we will travel and not just stay at friends or family's places.
For any type of cash gifts:
Brazilians (PIX):
Manda pra Renata Ferrer Torres Del Pra
Europeans (Revolut):
Physical Gifts
We've create a registry (click here!), so that guests can flag if they have already selected a particular present.
Don't worry, we won't be checking if anything has been selected (that would ruin the surprise).